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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®

Alpha Alpha Nu Omega Chapter

Established in 2020 to serve Williamson County, TX

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Alpha Alpha Nu Omega: How it all started...

Williamson County is a thriving suburban community that includes the cities and towns of Round Rock, Hutto, Taylor, Cedar Park, Leander, Georgetown, Schwertner, Jarrell, Liberty Hill, Thrall, Coupland, Bartlett and Florence.  Due to the rapid growth of these communities, there was a need for consistent, sustainable support for the children, women, men, and families in these areas. 

In 2014, two forward-thinking sorority sisters, Niesha Ruble and Patrice Langford, shared the thought of establishing a chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® while walking on a park trail behind Patrice's home in Round Rock.  These women recognized the impact that the presence of Alpha Kappa Alpha would provide to those living in the area.     Niesha Ruble then shared the idea with Larissa Estes, LaCrecia Davenport, Jacqueline Tealer and Jenell Paul-Hogan, and graciously spread the word to other sisters desiring to reconnect with their beloved sorority and provide service to the community.

On November 2, 2014 the six ladies hosted an interest meeting at the Homewood Suites in Round Rock, Texas to discuss the idea of organizing a chapter in Williamson County. The twenty-three sorority sisters in attendance were excited and receptive at the thought of reclaiming inactive graduate members, as well as connecting with active General Members in the area. The ladies then planned a sisterly gathering at La Madeleine French Bakery in Round Rock, Texas on January 15, 2015 to celebrate the sorority's 107 years of sisterhood and service. The thirty five sisters in attendance decided to collectively move forward with the requirements to obtain approval to become an official Interest Group of the sorority. Throughout 2015 and 2016, the ladies remained in contact and continued to have sisterly gatherings to maintain friendship and unity, and attended sorority Cluster Retreats, Regional Conferences, Boules, Leadership Conferences, and annual Founders' Day celebrations. They did everything they could to learn, participate in, and financially support the programs and ideals of Alpha Kappa Alpha. 

On April 24, 2017, the ladies received the Procedure for the Establishment of a Graduate Chapter manual from the 25th South Central Regional Director, Katina M Semien, Esq. and began to discuss plans for her visit to the area. On June 30, 2017, an application to establish an Interest Group was submitted with the names of twenty-three ladies ready to serve in Williamson County.  The application included several letters of support from city officials, school districts, and service organizations in Williamson County. In February 2018, during a wonderful, spirit-filled Founders' Day celebration in Georgetown, Texas, Jacqueline Tealer, Karen Terry and Tishana Lands had a conversation with the Regional Director about the possibility of a visit to Williamson County.  In response to the group's preparedness and persistence, the Regional Director and her assistant Lynn Farris agreed to travel to Williamson County for a site visit to be held on June 17, 2018.

Excitement was abound and the sisters worked tirelessly getting prepared to showcase the Williamson County area.  During the site visit, a tour was provided, along with data showing the continued growth and genuine need for service in the area.  After a wonderful "sistership," the South Central Regional Director gave permission to the sisters to start laying the groundwork of becoming an Official Interest Group. Great News spread along the Ivy Vine and the group was blessed with the addition of more sisters.  They brought with them a treasure trove of talents and knowledge that was readily embraced.

On, November 3, 2018 at 11:19 pm, the sisters received the call that they had been officially approved as an Interest Group by the Alpha Kappa Alpha Board of Directors and would be announced as the Williamson County Pearls of Excellence.  Selected by a group vote, this name identified the group's service area and reflected the group's core values of sisterhood and service, with "Pearls" representing each precious member and "Excellence" reflecting the Alpha Kappa Alpha 2018-2022 International Program Theme Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service. The Regional Director visited the group again on February 9, 2019 to facilitate an Orientation Workshop, and publicly announced the group on the South Central Region's social media pages on February 11, 2019.

The members of the new Interest Group immediately began to implement the sorority's programs in Williamson County, providing a number of services including volunteering at various events and developing a partnership with the Round Rock Area Serving Center where many of the group's monthly business meetings were held. Some of the numerous service program, completed were: Breast Cancer Community Impact Day, AKA Reactivation Day, Georgetown MLK Day March, Pink Goes Red Impact Day, Soles for Souls, Round Rock Empty Bowls Festival, "Walking with the Supreme," Health Fair table for "Rhythm and Ribs" Juneteenth Celebration, HBCU Fair at Cedar Ridge High School, Relay for Life in Williamson County, Alzheimer's Association Walk, a three-month financial planning series, hanging art Nadine Johnson Elementary School, and sewing pillowcase dresses. The ladies also completed a series of leadership development workshops throughout the year to foster the group's ongoing internal growth and development. 

Being careful not to forget the "sisterhood" facet of the organization, the "Pearls" recognized the need to nurture the bonds of sisterhood.  Monthly sisterly relations activities were thoughtfully planned to further strengthen the "ivy vines of closeness, fun and true love and like for each other."  Book club selections, church worship services, sisterly dinners, movie nights, vineyard visits, Christmas parties, as well as attending plays, kept members connected to one another.

On November 2, 2019 at 9:10 am, exactly five years from the first interest meeting, the forty-six members of the Williamson County Pearls of Excellence were elated to receive the news from the 25th South Central Regional Director, Katina M. Semien, Esq. that the Board of Directors of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® under the leadership of the 30th International President Dr. Glenda Glover approved the Interest Group's application to charter a graduate chapter in Williamson County, Texas.

On Saturday, February 8, 2020 at 9:30am, a chartering ceremony was held at the Sheraton Austin Georgetown Hotel and Conference Center to establish Alpha Alpha Nu Omega as the seventh graduate chapter in the Southwest Central Texas Cluster of the South Central Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.

Charter Members: Sharon Baker, Millicent Bell, Michele Bibby, Shaleka Boone, Cassie Bowling, Diane Boyd, LaCrecia Davenport, Tai Davis, Tiffany Dudley, Aaris Epps,

LaNica Failey, Diontha Fancher, Creslond Fannin, Chasity Fleming, Monique Flukers, Camille Francis-Howard, ReShonda Gonzalez, Cynthia Harry, Shavonne Henderson,

B. Genise Henry, Courtney Hughes, Cynthia Jackson, Katherine Jourdan, Tishana Lands, Nikishia Lane, Patrice Langford (President), Dakasha Leonard, Stephanie Mack,

Margery Mackey, Stacci Mahadeo, Cherrie Mayberry-Jones, Jennifer Miller, Tamu Moore, Jenell Paul-Hogan, Davette Quinones, Taheera Randolph, Niesha Ruble, Alicia Spencer, Fawn Spencer, Karen Starks, Jacqueline Tealer, Karen Terry, De’Ana Walls, Tanu’e White, Revlon Wilson, Karon Wright 


Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® is not responsible for the design, content, and external links of this website. The website is the sole property and responsibility of the Alpha Alpha Nu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® which hosts and maintains this website. 

Contact Us

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®
Alpha Alpha Nu Omega Chapter

P.O. Box 6018

Round Rock, TX 78683

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